"Are you working for a dysfunctional boss? Life is way too short to put up with an incompetent, toxic, and ineffective boss!"
Barry Deutsch's insight:
The primary reason most people quit their jobs is due to a lack of opportunity = learning, impact, and becoming. The second most common reason is you lose respect for your immediate boss - mercurial, unfair, arbitrary, poor manager and leader, doesn't develop you. Why put up with a dysfunctional boss when there are so many great opportunities waiting for you?
Company culture is playing an increasingly larger role in the job selection process. Here are four tips for creating a strong culture.
Barry Deutsch's insight:
Good article published on The Ladders Job Board. Are you confusing perks like ping-pong tables and remote flexible work schedules with company culture issues around vision, values, mission/purpose? Do you emphasize how fun your work environment is - or how it aligns with employee values and desires? Most companies do a terrible of articulating and constantly communicating their vision, values, mission/purpose.
How well do you know your employees? Here are some insights to what employees really want to become engaged and motivated in the workplace.
Barry Deutsch's insight:
I stumbled across this leadership blog in my recent journey for outstanding content in leadership, hiring, and retention on the web. I really like the author's perspective of what employees want and need to drive engagement.
So, for any company or leader who dreams of building an exceptionally committed and productive team, I offer you my most informed advice:
"Love your people."
Barry Deutsch's insight:
I'm revising my workshop on Retention - You're the Person I Want to KEEP! I came across an article in my archive that is pretty deep emotionally on the issue of employee engagement. I thought I would re-share it with my network. Do you love your people?
Great article at HBR about balancing getting great results while raising employee engagement concurrently. The very best managers and executives are able to walk this fine line.
Thought provoking questions that get at purpose. Really deep ideas around the core of employee motivation, desire, passion, effort, and work satisfaction.
Barry Deutsch's insight:
One of the most significant elements of employee motivation, discretionary effort, satisfaction is "matterness". Does this job matter to me - does it align with my purpose? Secondly, does the work I do matter to others - am I effecting their life (teammates, clients, customers) in a positive manner? this article helps managers start to wrap their arms around helping members of their team grasp their purpose - whether they matter.
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Barry Deutsch's insight:
Interesting perspective on what your employees might indicate they want if you were to ask them. Very consistent with all the studies on retention, employee engagement, and satisfaction.
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The primary reason most people quit their jobs is due to a lack of opportunity = learning, impact, and becoming. The second most common reason is you lose respect for your immediate boss - mercurial, unfair, arbitrary, poor manager and leader, doesn't develop you. Why put up with a dysfunctional boss when there are so many great opportunities waiting for you?