Hire Top Talent
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Curated by Barry Deutsch
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 7, 2017 8:27 PM

Hiring Frustration #3: Lies and Exaggeration

Hiring Frustration #3: Lies and Exaggeration | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

"Lies, Embellishment, and Exaggeration. How many mistakes have you made in hiring candidates whom you lied, embellished, or exaggerated?"

Barry Deutsch's insight:

One of the greatest frustrations in hiring is having candidates lie convincingly, or exaggerating-embellishing what they've done. Most CEOs and Executives believe that at least 100 percent of candidates fake it in the interview. How do you overcome this tendency to misrepresent and get to the TRUTH?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
October 25, 2017 11:41 AM

Hiring Frustration #1: What Am I Measuring?

Hiring Frustration #1: What Am I Measuring? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

No one can agree on who to hire because there is NO alignment on what success looks like for a position. Hiring is very simple and easy once we all agree on a common definition of success.

Barry Deutsch's insight:

The number ONE frustration I've heard over 2 decades is around the idea of what are we measuring in people - how do we know we're hiring a winner vs. falling victim to "You're NOT the Person I Hired".

Orientation Professionnelle's curator insight, December 27, 2023 4:19 PM

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 19, 2017 7:37 PM

Likeability in the Interview is NOT a Reliable Predictor of Success

Likeability in the Interview is NOT a Reliable Predictor of Success | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

"In my last article, Why Do Most Interviews Have a Low Correlation to Success, I talked about the issue that most interviews do not correlate well with success."

Barry Deutsch's insight:

Many studies of hiring show that the dominant reason for hiring decisions are things like rapport, chemistry, and like-ability. None of these has any correlation to success on the job. In fact, measuring candidates with first impressions of these traits usually results in hiring errors and mistakes.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 16, 2017 8:11 PM

What If Your Track Record on Hiring is 50 Percent at Best?

What If Your Track Record on Hiring is 50 Percent at Best? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
What If Your Track Record on Hiring is 50 Percent at Best?
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Most executives and hiring managers have admitted to me in our workshops over the last 20 years that their personal track record on hiring people who HIT or EXCEED expectations is somewhere in the 25-33 percent range. 50 percent is what most of the studies have shown in formal surveys and research. Where does that leave us in the current state of hiring accuracy and success?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 10, 2017 2:28 PM

HIRING: Do You Stink at Interviewing - Is It Like Playing Craps in Vegas?

HIRING: Do You Stink at Interviewing - Is It Like Playing Craps in Vegas? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Do You Stink at Interviewing - Is It Like Playing Craps in Vegas?
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Many hiring managers and executives have never been adequately trained in how to interview. We assume because you carry the title manager or executive you should know how to hire. Nothing could be further from the truth. One of the greatest areas of impact you can have on your organization is to make sure all managers are capable of effective interviewing.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 6, 2017 2:39 AM

Who Gets Hired and Who Doesn't

Who Gets Hired and Who Doesn't | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

"Here’s what I learned: deciding which candidate to hire is nearly all art, and very little science."


Barry Deutsch's insight:

Interesting article by Liz Ryan basically indicating that whether you get hired or not is completely random, subjective, and biased on a hiring manager's personality or experience.


She's not far off from the truth. Most hiring managers have never been formally trained in how to hire. Most do a random-terrible job of hiring. Most studies show that hiring is not much better than rolling dice down the felt in Las Vegas = primarily because most of the people who are doing it don't have a clue what they are doing.


It's not "art" as Liz Ryan indicates. It does tend more toward science - yet most people who are doing it don't know the science so they'll guessing or playing at hiring.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 5, 2017 2:29 AM

The Best Hiring Managers Ask Questions About Initiative

The Best Hiring Managers Ask Questions About Initiative | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

"Employees with initiative hit the bulls eye all the time. Frequently, they exceed your targets and expectations."

Barry Deutsch's insight:

The top trait of success is initiative - also characterized as proactivity or discretionary effort. Very few consistently show it - yet the very best performers are constantly going above and beyond the call of duty, doing more than they were asked, anticipating, and always thinking one step ahead. How do you measure this number ONE trait of success in the interview?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 21, 2017 4:46 PM

She Seemed Perfect for the Job – What Went Wrong?

She Seemed Perfect for the Job – What Went Wrong? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

"My partner, Brad Remillard, frequently shares the following story in our hiring workshops titled “You’re NOT the Person I Hired.” How is it possible your perfect candidate self-destructed after hiring?"

Barry Deutsch's insight:

One of the most common frustrations we hear about the hiring process is: I thought I hired the right person - they said all the right things and I liked them - but they were NOT the person I thought I hired. How does this happen to most hiring managers?

global ozempic's curator insight, July 13, 2:31 AM
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 13, 2017 9:41 PM

Hiring Mistake #7: NOT Fishing In Deep Waters for the Best Candidates

Hiring Mistake #7: NOT Fishing In Deep Waters for the Best Candidates | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

Most of the methods traditionally used to attract candidates bring forth candidates who are floating in the shallow end of the pond."

Barry Deutsch's insight:

Are you still accepting anyone who lands on your doorstep from posting generic job descriptions on generic job boards? This is a very small percentage of the viable candidate pool. STOP finishing for candidates in shallow waters.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 9, 2017 4:00 PM

Hiring Mistake #4: Falling In/Out of Love During Interviews

Hiring Mistake #4: Falling In/Out of Love During Interviews | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

Hiring executives and managers rely too heavily on first impressions (falling in or out of love in the interview) to hire candidates – and as a result make Snap Judgments about candidates.Click here to edit the content

Barry Deutsch's insight:

1st impressions tend to dictate the hiring decisions of most hiring managers and executives. In the vast majority of interviews, the decision to hire a candidate is primarily based on likability, rapport, and chemistry (not even the personality characteristics of the candidate - but rather their superficial acting skills). Is any wonder interviewing success is at best a 50/50 proposition?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 7, 2017 9:47 PM

PUT Your Candidates Under The Magnifying Glass

PUT Your Candidates Under The Magnifying Glass | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

Hiring Mistake #2: Failure to Peel the Onion in the Interview

Barry Deutsch's insight:

One of my favorite questions to ask CEOs and senior executives in my workshop, "You're NOT the Person I Hired", is what percentage of candidates lie, embellish, or exaggerate what they've done or think they can do for you? Rarely, do I hear anything less than 100 percent. Peeling the ONION, asking deep, probing questions, collecting examples, and doing what we call in our hiring process: Putting the Candidate Under the Magnifying Glass - will eliminate or substantially reduce lying, embellishment, and exaggeration.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 30, 2017 12:37 AM

The 24 Biggest Recruiting And Hiring Mistakes Most Entrepreneurs Make » CEOWORLD magazine

The 24 Biggest Recruiting And Hiring Mistakes Most Entrepreneurs Make » CEOWORLD magazine | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
When it comes to hiring and onboarding, most businesses blow it. In fact, so many organizations do such a poor job of facilitating the process that many new hires get frustrated their very first day on the job. In order to finish the hiring process on a strong note, you need to prioritize onboarding just …
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Here's the key point buried in this article:


From the new hire’s perspective, one of the biggest points of friction has to do with what’s expected of them on the first day.


This issue is so horrific for most companies, that we wrote a book a few years ago titled "This is NOT the Position I Accepted".


Desire to ensure hiring failure - don't define success before the hire and surprise the candidate after the hire with what they have to do to be successful.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 27, 2017 5:23 PM

Hiring Mistake #1: Your Job Description is Worthless

Hiring Mistake #1: Your Job Description is Worthless | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Barry Deutsch's insight:

The number ONE mistake in hiring is not effectively defining what person must do in the job to be successful. The traditional job description has NOTHING to do with defining success - rather it usually defines the rock-bottom minimum that you'll tolerate to allow someone to keep their job. If this doesn't sound dysfunctional, I'm not sure what might qualify.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 7, 2017 8:12 PM

Do You Fish In Shallow Waters for the Best Candidates?

Do You Fish In Shallow Waters for the Best Candidates? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

"If you want the very best candidates you have to fish in the right spot, and fish deeply for them."

Barry Deutsch's insight:

The number one frustration I hear as a do 60-70 talks a year to CEO groups is "we can't find enough good people. There's a reason for this - you're going about it all wrong. Your old, tired, traditional, and tribal techniques are now bringing the bottom 1/3 of the candidate pool to your doorstep.

Orientation Professionnelle's curator insight, December 27, 2023 4:20 PM

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
October 25, 2017 11:32 AM

8 Common Frustrations in Hiring

8 Common Frustrations in Hiring | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

What are the frustrations that drive your crazy about how hiring is done in your organization?

Barry Deutsch's insight:

Over 20 years, 1000 presentations to CEO and Executive Groups, I've discovered that there are some common frustrations that drive hiring managers crazy.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 19, 2017 5:22 PM

Why Do Most Interviews Have A Low Correlation to Success?

Why Do Most Interviews Have A Low Correlation to Success? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Why Do Most Interviews Have A Low Correlation to Success?
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Most interviews have a very low correlation to success since the vast majority of hiring managers focusing on measuring how good of an actress/actor is sitting across from them. Usually the interview is based on rapport, chemistry, and likability. Layered onto that inaccurate assessment is that fact that you're not even seeing their true personality.

global ozempic's curator insight, July 13, 2:31 AM
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 14, 2017 1:17 AM

Scary Interview Statistic - Stop Measuring How Well Someone Interviews

Scary Interview Statistic - Stop Measuring How Well Someone Interviews | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

"Interviewing performance (acting skills) has zero correlation to success."

Barry Deutsch's insight:

After 30 years of executive search, I am still amazed by the low to non-existent correlation between interviewing, as it is traditionally conducted by most hiring managers, and on-the-job performance. Are you measuring how well a candidate performs in the interview, or how good of an employee will they be in that job in your company?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 7, 2017 11:37 AM

Will Another 30 Days Overcome Your Hiring Error?

"Are you playing the “Let’s Give Another 30 Days” with that employee you hired that can’t meet your performance or behavior expectations – only now it’s 6 months, a year, or 2 years later?"

Barry Deutsch's insight:

Why do we play this mental headgame of "Let's Give it Another 30 Days?" We know it's not going to work out - but we keep deluding ourselves that it's going to get better.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 6, 2017 2:22 AM

Introverts are Set-up for Failure in Job Interviews

Introverts are Set-up for Failure in Job Interviews | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

"Introverts have it really tough in most job interviews. It borders on having the deck stacked against you."

Barry Deutsch's insight:

The entire interview process is stacked against introverts in favor of extroverts. Over 30 years of executive search and 250,000 interviews shows there is no advantage/disadvantage for either group on the job. The problem is getting through a traditional interview process designed to screen out introverts.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 30, 2017 7:13 PM

No Correlation Between Interviewing and On-The-Job Performance

No Correlation Between Interviewing and On-The-Job Performance | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

"In 30 years of executive search, over 1000 search projects, and interviews with over 250,000 candidates, we cannot find a single correlation that  links interviewing and job performance."

Barry Deutsch's insight:

Interviewing - as it is done by most hiring managers - has zero correlation between asking the 20 standard, stupid, inane, canned interview questions - and on the job performance. Hiring accuracy is no better than a 50/50 batting average. Why do most managers accept this horrific level of hiring success and accuracy?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 14, 2017 1:52 AM

Hiring Mistake #8 – ONLY Hire Candidates Who Can Meet Your Expectations

Hiring Mistake #8 – ONLY Hire Candidates Who Can Meet Your Expectations | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Hiring Mistake #8 – ONLY Hire Candidates Who Can Meet Your Expectations
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Might it be possible that you're setting the wrong expectations of performance in the interview - and then measuring for this "wrong" criteria?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 9, 2017 11:27 PM

Hiring Mistake #5: Would You Interview the Same as Picking a Heart Surgeon?

Hiring Mistake #5: Would You Interview the Same as Picking a Heart Surgeon? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

A major mistake occurs in the hiring process when interviewing candidates. There is a tendency to equate, extrapolate, and extend experience to be the same as results. There is an enormous gap between experience and results. Historical experience.

Barry Deutsch's insight:

Would you invest the same amount of time, due diligence, and focus as you would if you had to interview heart surgeons to work on you? Probably NOT. Most hiring executives VIOLATE the old adage to hire slowly. Usually, the decision to hire is made with minimal data and information. This error/mistake helps lead to the statistic of 50/50 probability in hiring. When will you no longer accept random results from the hiring and interviewing process?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 8, 2017 6:24 PM

Hiring Mistake #3: Does Your Hiring Process Resemble Ordering Fast Food?

Hiring Mistake #3: Does Your Hiring Process Resemble Ordering Fast Food? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

We title Hiring Mistake #3 as “Inappropriate Prerequisites”. The metaphor of these inappropriate prerequisites is that hiring top talent is not the same as ordering in the drive-through line at your favorite fast food restaurant.

Barry Deutsch's insight:

There are a few key mistakes and errors that get repeated over and over. One of these is using the wrong criteria to at the core of the entire hiring process. Using inappropriate prerequisites like those found on most job descriptions leads to poor hiring success - perhaps at best it turns into a 50/50 crap shoot.

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Rescooped by Barry Deutsch from Leading Schools
August 7, 2017 9:51 PM

Leading Effectively When You Inherit a Mess

Leading Effectively When You Inherit a Mess | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
A 10-year longitudinal study on executive transitions that my organization conducted found that more than 50% of executives who inherit a mess fail within their first 18 months on the job. We also uncovered numerous landmines for leaders in this situation. And, with the best of intentions, my client was about to step on a number of them. When a leader inherits a mess created by others, especially when arriving as an outsider, the situation can feel fragile and knowing where to begin the long journey of change can feel precarious. Based on our research and my experience, there are six things the most effective leaders do to avoid failing in a new role.

Via Mel Riddile
Barry Deutsch's insight:

This was a good article in HBR on why so many executives fail early in taking on a new job. Where to begin is sometimes the greatest challenge. Do any of these landmines sound familiar as you stepped into your most recent role? What do you do to minimize this risk of hiring failure when asking new CEOs/executives to "fix" a mess?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 30, 2017 12:13 AM

Hiring Mistake #2: NOT Peeling The Onion Leads to Hiring Failure

Hiring Mistake #2: NOT Peeling The Onion Leads to Hiring Failure | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Next to not defining success, superficial interviewing is the second most common mistake made in the hiring process that leads to hiring failure.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Most CEOs and executives have told me over the last 20 years that they think candidates lie, embellish, and exaggerate 100 percent of the time in interviews. Not probing, digging, validating, vetting, verifying every claim, accomplishment, and achievement is pathetic.


No wonder 50% of time the complaint about a bad hire is "I thought they could do X when I interviewed them - I'm surprised they cannot do it". Shame on hiring managers for not Peeling the Onion.

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