Hire Top Talent
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Hire Top Talent
Discover how to find, attract, engage, and interview top talent
Curated by Barry Deutsch
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 30, 2017 12:33 AM

Maximizing the Effectiveness of Employee Referral Programs

Maximizing the Effectiveness of Employee Referral Programs | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
How can businesses maximize the effectiveness of their employee referral programs to find and hire the best candidates and achieve business success?
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I think one of the most important points this article makes is that a great referral program starts with educating your employees on the value of making referrals. So many companies consider their referral program to be a set of monetary rewards - that's a sideshow. The real impact is reinforcing the value of referrals over and over with your employees.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 27, 2017 1:20 PM

How come we keep seeing the bottom 1/3 of the candidate pool?

How come we keep seeing the bottom 1/3 of the candidate pool? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Why do most of the methods used by companies to find candidates, particularly job boards and advertising, fail so often? Are there better techniques and
Barry Deutsch's insight:

As I travel around the country conducting 1-2 workshops a week with CEOs and Senior Executives on our program You're NOT the Person I Hired, the one issue that keeps surfacing over and over is the frustration around finding great candidates for open positions.

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Rescooped by Barry Deutsch from Interviewing and Hiring
May 17, 2012 9:00 AM

10 Mistakes Managers Make During Job Interviews - CBS News

10 Mistakes Managers Make During Job Interviews - CBS News | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

Hiring is one of the hardest parts of managing a team. A lot is riding on the initial meeting, and if you're nervous or ill-prepared—or both—it can make you do strange things. The following mistakes are all too common, but they're easy to avoid with some advance preparation.

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


Have you read our FREE book - You're NOT the Person I Hire?

This best-selling book is available as a FREE digital download on our website.

Via Bob Corlett
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 1, 2012 12:16 PM

Be Angry Over the Average Productivity of Your Employees

Be Angry Over the Average Productivity of Your Employees | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Stop giving lip service to the idea of hiring top talent. Put best practices in place now and set the standard for hiring great employees.

From our Hire and Retain Top Talent Blog.

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


Have you read our FREE book - You're NOT the Person I Hire?

This best-selling book is available as a FREE digital download on our website.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 25, 2012 2:49 PM

Amazon.com: You're Not The Person I Hired!: A CEO's Survival Guide To Hiring Top Talent (9781420881707): Janet Boydell, Barry Deutsch, Brad Remillard: Books

Amazon.com: You're Not The Person I Hired!: A CEO's Survival Guide To Hiring Top Talent (9781420881707): Janet Boydell, Barry Deutsch, Brad Remillard: Books (Special : You're Not The Person I Hired!

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


Have you read our FREE book - You're NOT the Person I Hire?

It's available as a FREE digital download from our website

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 25, 2012 2:48 PM

Make a good first impression on job candidates

Avoid these classic hiring mistakes so you can get the best candidates.

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


Have you read our FREE book - You're NOT the Person I Hire?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 30, 2017 12:28 AM

Upgrading Your Team with Social Networking

Upgrading Your Team with Social Networking | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

Now is an excellent time to consider upgrading your team by leveraging social media.

Barry Deutsch's insight:

Be more like a professional recruiter searching for top talent with a magnifying glass, looking under rocks, being a detective, and leveraging the one degree of separation that social media provides, especially LinkedIn.


Why don't more companies use the social networking connections of their employees, vendors, sub-contractors, clients, and suppliers to bring outstanding candidates to the table?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
March 26, 2017 8:49 PM

Victimized by The Top Ten Hiring Mistakes?

Victimized by The Top Ten Hiring Mistakes? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Are you victimized by the Top Ten Hiring Mistakes? A number of years ago we undertook a comprehensive study to understand why hiring success and accuracy is so poor. We've written a couple of books on the subject and presented the workshop titled "You're NOT the Person I Hired" on these common mistakes and errors to over 35,000 CEOs and Senior Executives in the last two decades.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 8, 2012 8:41 AM

10 Compelling Numbers That Reveal the Power of Employee Referrals - ERE.net

10 Compelling Numbers That Reveal the Power of Employee Referrals - ERE.net | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

John Sullivan talks about the #1 recruiting strategy to find good talent. In my workshops and seminars I suggest to hiring executives and managers that their target for employee referrals should be at least 50% of all new hires.

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


Have you read our FREE book - You're NOT the Person I Hire?

This best-selling book is available as a FREE digital download on our website.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 25, 2012 5:33 PM

Hiring Mistake #1 - Inadequate Job Descriptions

Hiring Mistake #1 - Inadequate Job Descriptions | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it

Discover how to overcome the most dangerous hiring mistake that frequently leads to hiring failure.

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


Have you read our FREE book - You're NOT the Person I Hire?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 25, 2012 2:49 PM

Why Talent Matters & How Talent Can Transform Your Organisation

Why Talent Matters & How Talent Can Transform Your Organisation | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Zach is one of the savviest person in recruiting talent and are involved with some of the smartest organisations I know who have decided to put talent as their top priorities. ...

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


Have you read our FREE book - You're NOT the Person I Hire?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 25, 2012 2:47 PM

Kimberly Stone On The 4 Hiring Mistakes Business Owners Should Avoid - Resources - Portfolio.com

Kimberly Stone On The 4 Hiring Mistakes Business Owners Should Avoid - Resources - Portfolio.com | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Hiring someone with potential sounds good—unless that raw talent never grows and matures into an actionable manifestation of what you first saw. Here are four tips for determining whether a job candidate is worthy.

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


Have you read our FREE book - You're NOT the Person I Hire?

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