The Power of Storytelling for Recruiters HR, Recruiting | Hire Top Talent |

Your corporate storytelling and employer branding strategy is not something that can be perfected overnight, but it is a critical piece of your recruitment marketing strategy and worth your time to improve upon.

So true! Yes, corporate storytelling is an iterative process.

Yet what I really like about this article is its focus on linking company story sharing and story strategy to the recruiting process. Want to attract top talent? Then you had better be telling your stories well -- not only to attract talent, but as part of the interview process, too.

But really, this article applies to all businesses of any size. If you are an entrepreneur or small business or nonprofit, you want to work with top vendors and contractors. Craft fabulous (authentic) stories, attract the best people to work with you, and excel in what you do.

Read the suggestions in this article for ways to go about this.

Assuming the basis of social media is telling stories that engage and help people to visualize what's in it for them, why do most employers do a horrific job communicating stories to potential applicants about the value of working in their company?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions