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Curated by Barry Deutsch
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 2, 2012 6:20 AM

Talent recruitment revisited - The Star Online

Talent recruitment revisited - The Star Online | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Talent recruitment revisitedThe Star OnlineIN today's war for talent, many employers are practically fighting a losing battle as they strive to retain their best people. What they need to realise, however, is that the ...

Good article on issues of training and developing people to keep them. The author states the most common reason companies give for not investing in their people:

“Many companies say they're afraid of investing in their talents because after training them, they (the employees) become more employable and leave. But that's just looking at the talent as part of a static pool.

If that doesn't define out-dated and irrational thinking - I'm not sure what might qualify.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 1, 2012 7:19 PM

Avoid Common Talent Assessment Mistakes - Talent Management magazine

So what are the 4 Common Talent Assessment Mistakes?

The author offers a unique perspective on hiring mistakes - unfortunately, we have an article made to read like it's based on some form of research. The reality is that these issues - which have no basis in quantiative or qualitative research - are NOT common reasons for making assessment mistakes. If you're going to make statements as bold as the title of this article, at least back it up with some research. I am vey surprised a magazine of this caliber would allow an article to be published that is so off base on the key elements of hiring mistakes.

If you want to understand why most mistakes get made in hiring, check out the real research that's been done over a long time period in this arena - you'll find all the stuides identify the same common issues:

Ineffective or wrong job definitions

Mediocre Pool of Candidates

Poorly trained hiring managers

No real hiring process applied from manager to manager

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 21, 2012 8:10 PM

Avoid Common Hiring Mistakes | Construction Business Management Magazine

Avoid Common Hiring Mistakes | Construction Business Management Magazine | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Protect yourself from discrimination claims when building your team.

An article from the trade publication "Construction Business Owner" that takes about the need for clear and job relevant job descriptions to prevent legal and performance problems.

This is the NUMBER ONE hiring mistake most companies make - not defining the outcomes, expectations, performance, results, output, metrics, standards desired in the job that relates exactly to doing the job - regardless if your hiring a draftsperson or a senior executive.

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 21, 2012 6:24 PM

Hiring mistakes | EnMast

Hiring mistakes | EnMast | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
When small business owners hire, they typically make two mistakes.

Brad said it so well by stating "But hiring goes so wrong so often." If we all acknowledge that the process of hiring in the vast majority of companies is downright humiliating, embarrassing, and ineffective - why do we keep doing it the same way over and over.

I know Benjamin Franklin called this the definition of insanity - but why do we keep doing it poorly. Are we so conditioned like Pavlov's dogs, that we just can't break the cycle of stupid hiring?

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 21, 2012 4:01 PM

Performance Documentation: Can't Be Sloppy—or Missing ...

Performance Documentation: Can't Be Sloppy—or Missing ... | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Yes, like most things in compensation and HR, the key to success is manager/supervisor training. But who has the budget and time to organize a full-blown training program? Good news from BLR—now you can run your ...

One of the greatest frustrations I encounter is the issue of how long it takes to get rid of someone when they are lacking in performance. The primary issue behind this lengthy process is the complete lack of documentation around performance and the usual smoking guns in their personnel file.

DOCUMENT from day one through a series of monthly one-to-ones focused on the achievement of your expectations which were writtend down in a Success Factor Snapshot before the person was ever hired.

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 21, 2012 1:57 PM

Spark Hire Releases its List of the Top 25 Must Read Blogs For Recruiters - Virtual-Strategy Magazine

Spark Hire Releases its List of the Top 25 Must Read Blogs For Recruiters - Virtual-Strategy Magazine | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Spark Hire Releases its List of the Top 25 Must Read Blogs For RecruitersVirtual-Strategy MagazineRecruiters looking for extra help acquiring top talent to survive and thrive in today's economy can now turn to Spark Hire's...

This is a self-promotion post - or maybe I should call it a pat on the back post. We were just named to one of the top 25 Recruiter Blogs by SparkHire. Even for the most independent minded - a little recognition is always nice for hard work. Thank you Spark Hire.

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 21, 2012 11:57 AM

Employee hiring: Why good candidates don't get hired - HR.BLR.com

Employee hiring: Why good candidates don't get hired - HR.BLR.com | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Employee hiring: Why good candidates don't get hiredHR.BLR.comFor a Limited Time receive a FREE HR Report "Top 10 Best Practices in HR Management." This comprehensive special report will give you the information you need to know about these current...

Different take on hiring problems and issues. The author of the book talks about the internal barriers companies erect to prevent good people from being hired. Almost takes a process consulting view of the hiring and recruiting function.

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 21, 2012 2:02 AM

7 Habits of Highly Effective Sales Recruiters - blog*spot

7 Habits of Highly Effective Sales Recruiters - blog*spot | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
This habit leads to unforced hiring errors. “Time to fill” is often stated as a metric to measure the effectiveness of recruiters. Unfortunately, it also leads to bad decisions due to a rush to judgment to hit a lagging indicator metric.

The author describes common best practices - which are usually ignored by the vast majority of hiring managers - resulting in hiring mistakes, hiring errors, and hiring failures.

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 19, 2012 10:51 PM

Employment Branding: the Only Long-Term Recruiting Strategy ...

Employment Branding: the Only Long-Term Recruiting Strategy ... | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Increasing the number of referrals has added benefits in that it increases employee ownership in the recruiting process, while simultaneously reducing recruiters' workloads. ... Improved College Recruiting.

I'm not convinced that employer branding is the NUMBER 1 recruiting solution. Obviously, the author is a tad biased. However, creating an employer brand is important and this article does a great job describing some of the benefits that accure from having a great brand.

Barry Deutsch

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 19, 2012 7:47 PM

Hiring average employees takes money quickly from your bottom line

Hiring average employees takes money quickly from your bottom line | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
What's the Value of Hiring Top Talent vs. Average or Below. Employers often think they're hiring the best and brightest, but I've discovered in my 40+ years of hiring and recruiting experience, that doesn't happen all that often.

Nice article by one of my former "associates" Carl Bradford, who specializes in the technology area of recruiting. Carl does a great job demonstrating the COST of a bad hire and the bottom line effect hiring and recruiting has on your business.

Barry Deutsch

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 19, 2012 5:44 PM

Poor Hiring Decisions: Who Doesn't Hit the Performance Target?

Poor Hiring Decisions: Who Doesn't Hit the Performance Target? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
In most companies, hiring and interviewing is not a process. It's a set of arbitrary events ...

Nice to see scoop.it picking up my blog post. Are you accepting hires who cannot hit your expected results?

Barry Deutsch

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 19, 2012 5:25 PM

7 Habits of Highly Effective Sales Recruiters - blog*spot

7 Habits of Highly Effective Sales Recruiters - blog*spot | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
We don't like to argue with success or experience, however, we also believe that the team who makes fewer unforced hiring errors wins the game. The SalesGenomix message is that you can be nearly 100% assured of ...

Some excellent points to remember for hiring in general and specifically for sales hiring. One of the greatest errors most companies commit in the hiring of sales people is to NOT be ABR (always be recruiting).


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 3, 2012 7:19 AM

5 Strategies to Hire the Perfect Sales Rep

5 Strategies to Hire the Perfect Sales Rep | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Hiring sales people is not an enjoyable task; after all, you have a hundred other pressing issues to deal with. However, if you take the right approach you can hire the perfect sales rep. Related posts: 5 Hiring Mistakes to Avoid ...

The author mentions a major hiring mistake which - especially for extroverted type A sales managers - "talk less - listen more"


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
September 1, 2012 7:26 PM

Six Questions to Ask to Speed Up Your Hiring Process - Huffington Post

Six Questions to Ask to Speed Up Your Hiring Process - Huffington Post | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Six Questions to Ask to Speed Up Your Hiring ProcessHuffington PostWhy Ask? Everyone makes mistakes, even in a professional setting. The lessons we learn from these errors can be invaluable.

This is a terrible article. Why does everyone think they are the expert on what interview questions to ask. The first question was not too bad. The other 5 were horrific and do nothing more than focus on the prepared canned inane stupid responses candidates give to prepared canned inane stupid interview questions.

Who cares what the candidate thinks. Asking what they want to be in 5 years is crystal ball gazing. And asking what they can bring of value is silly until you've told them the outcomes you desire. Until that point, they are reading off a prepared script. Congrats to the best interviewer, you'll always get the job offer since you know how to answer these canned questions the best. BUT = does that make you the best employee for that role?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 21, 2012 11:24 PM

Negligent Hiring and Background Checks Reviewed by Safe Hiring Expert at ... - ESR NEWS

Negligent Hiring and Background Checks Reviewed by Safe Hiring Expert at ...ESR NEWSWith negligent hiring one of the fastest growing areas of employment litigation, Rosen says employers need to learn legally complaint best practices to keep their...

I am going to guess that the vast majority of legal issues arising from hiring have to do with skipping or ignoring best practice steps, such as conducting a background check and doing thorough references.

Are we so desperate to hire, that we can't take a few minutes to do some basic validation, verification, and vetting of candidate claims? Are we afraid that our positive image of the candidate will be shattered and we'll have to start the hiring process all over again?

Is our primary focus in hiring an attempt to see how far into the sand we can stick our head?

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 21, 2012 7:08 PM

7 Silly Simple Hiring Mistakes

7 Silly Simple Hiring Mistakes | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
The hiring process can be an exciting, yet frustrating experience, and a bad hiring decision can cause major ramifications for your organization.

Another article on hiring mistakes from well known psychometric testing service Profiles International. Perhaps, a bit oversimplified. The funny thing is that many hiring managers constantly make these mistakes over and over.

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 21, 2012 6:05 PM

Business Solutions: Five Common Mistakes in Hiring New Employees

Are you making these mistakes when you hire people?

Another take on hiring mistakes - again the author's personal perspective without deep research or quantitative foundations. After a while, it becomes hard to separate what's really factual vs. someone's individual opinion.

I did like the list and it encompasses some of the classic most common hiring mistakes and errors. Not sure I would include "not considering the unemployed" as one of the big mistakes.

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 21, 2012 3:17 PM

Hiring Wisdom: 4 Things About Making the Hire/Don't Hire Decision

Hiring Wisdom: 4 Things About Making the Hire/Don't Hire Decision | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
The following is a best practice, proven technique for making better hiring decisions: If you make the final hire/don't hire decision, there are four things to consider: The results of testing should count for 30 percent.

The author breaks down the different elements of hiring decision making. Not sure where the data came from - again it's expressed as fact but appears to be more along the line of opinion. Here's an alternative idea to the way the author throws out percentages as if they are based on a scientific study:

The interview is the most important element of determining whether a candidate can achieve the desired results. Unfortunately, most interviews conducting by most hiring managers are a complete waste of time and useless.

External validation, vetting, and verification should be used to determine is what I saw and heard in the interview the truth - and it helps to maintain objectivity and rational thinking.

Gut feeling and intuition plays no part in the assessment since this is on a foundation of bias and emotion. You're still going to make first impressions - impossible to avoid - but validate through collecting rich information in the interview and externally.

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 21, 2012 12:16 PM

The Three Huge Hiring Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Make

The Three Huge Hiring Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Make | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Every company can improve their hiring in some way.  And given how important successful hiring is, it’s scary to think that two-thirds of companies continue to make bad hires.  Here are three key (The three huge hiring mistakes that most companies...

Another cut on hiring mistakes and errors - which now appears to be one of the most common blog posts appearing on the Net. Is this because of an increase in hiring? Could the job market finallly be making a return?

Interesting side note, most of the major mistakes in hiring occur because hiring managers and HR take short-cuts, they refuse to abide by common simple best practices and frequently fall victim to taking short-cuts and cutting corners.

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 21, 2012 2:39 AM

Hiring managers only need to know three basis interview questions ...

Hiring managers only need to know three basis interview questions ... | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Understanding if you're interviewing top talent can be accurately determined by using the 3+2 interview method. It's easy ... It just seems logical that asking the best interview questions are the best way to determine the quality of your next hire.

Carl talks about asking the best interview questions - but where did you learn to ask questions. Most CEOs and Senior Executives claim that they are still using the same questions asked of them 20 plus years ago. Perhaps, it's time to conduct a check-up to determine if the best questions are being asked.

Just because these were the appropriate questions when Henry Ford started cranking out Model T's - it doesn't mean that they are still relevant today.

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


Patrick De Wijngaert's curator insight, March 28, 2016 2:36 PM

Only 3 basic Interview questions


Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 19, 2012 11:56 PM

The Top 10 Hiring Mistakes | Mark Hamade Blog

The Top 10 Hiring Mistakes | Mark Hamade Blog | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
The hiring process takes time and effort. There is a big temptation to add someone who is available at that moment and looks like they have the skills to do it. This is often a mistake. Here is a list of other hiring mistakes that ...

A nice list of mistakes hiring managers typically make. NOT our list and NOT based on any quantiative research - more of an experiential view of hiring mistakes. However, he does a good job in listing some of the most common mistakes.

Barry Deutsch

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 19, 2012 9:49 PM

6 Characteristics of High-Performing Healthcare Organizations - Becker's Hospital Review

6 Characteristics of High-Performing Healthcare Organizations - Becker's Hospital Review | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
6 Characteristics of High-Performing Healthcare OrganizationsBecker's Hospital ReviewNearly every hospital has recognized this to some degree or another and has begun process improvement and other efforts to address efficiency and quality.

Here's an article that supports our Hiring Approach - specificallly in healthcare organizations. I zeroed in one the very first recommedation: Don't tolerate low performers - why DO you tolerate average or mediocre performance?

Barry Deutsch

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 19, 2012 6:00 PM

How Small Businesses Can Leap Ahead With Social Recruiting - Huffington Post

How Small Businesses Can Leap Ahead With Social Recruiting - Huffington Post | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
How Small Businesses Can Leap Ahead With Social RecruitingHuffington PostUsing social recruiting platforms helps small businesses look at hiring in a more practical and effective way.

Nice article talking about using social recruiting to find employees. Lacks depth in terms of specifics - but does provide a nice high level view of social recruiting ideas.

Barry Deutsch

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 19, 2012 5:27 PM

Find New Talent For Your Business With An Employee Referral

This way they'll be sure to refer quality candidates which will improve the hiring process as oppose to hindering it. The following ideas are important to keep in mind when creating the right incentive plan for employees to refer ...

Some excellent ideas on using an employee referral program, especially the recommendation on respond quickly to a referral.


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 3, 2012 8:21 AM

Hiring is a Top CEO Priority - Forbes

Hiring is a Top CEO Priority - Forbes | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Hiring is a Top CEO PriorityForbesEven as a recruiting company, we sometimes don't recruit enough talent to build our own team and keep pace with our growth.As the CEO you constantly need to recruit.

It's like company values - if the CEO doesn't set the tone for hiring talent - why should anyone else in the organization care?


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