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Barry Deutsch
October 11, 2012 10:47 AM
While you may like to stretch, your employee may want training and support to feel competent on the job. This goes right along with not making the time to get to know your employees or to listen to them.
If the hiring managers in most companies were just "bungling employee engagement", then things would probably be moving in the right direction since they were at least trying to do something.
The real problem is that most companies have NO defined employee engagement programs other than traditional things like educational reimbursement plans, and the annual picnic where "years of service" pins are handed out. Useless, worthless, inconsequential efforts that accomplish nothing.
Without strong retention programs, tactics, and strategies embraced and implemented flawlesslly by all managers, you run the risk of having some of your best performers leave for greener pastures.
Why do most companies just assume that if you show up for work, you must enjoy your job? This could be one of those great myths of manager/leadership assumptions right up there with "the check is in the mail."
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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Barry Deutsch
October 3, 2012 1:19 PM
The Hiring Guru: Avoid 'Replacement Ref' hires for your team.Huffington PostWhile replacement officials for nationally televised sporting events might get way more publicity than your own hiring mistakes, the result is factually the same.
Interesting perspective but I DON'T agree with it. Many hiring managers attempt to ask these deep and philosophical interview questions early in the interview process only to get superficial responses.
The candidate either doesn't trust you enough to share yet these deep answers about life, career, wants, and desires OR you haven't shared enough information about the job yet to be able to get their opinion on how they think it fits with their expectations.
These are the questions you ask toward the end of multiple rounds of interviewing NOT the beginning.
Finally, I'm not sure using any of these questions with the NFL replacement refs would have made a difference. The issue in hiring at that stage was desperation and putting "warm bodies in seats" -- NOT making the best hires.
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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Barry Deutsch
October 2, 2012 12:50 PM
What employers should look for when evaluating the blogs of talented candidates.
I cannot believe I've not written this article. Great ideas on looking at candidate blogs when you're considering hiring someone.
The greatest problem is that most candidates (outside or PR and marketing) don't think it's necessary to curate content and publish original ideas to their network.
Do you look to see if your candidate has ever published something on the internet or participated in an article within their industry or functional area?
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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Barry Deutsch
September 28, 2012 9:43 PM
Could you define employee engagement?
Can you measure it?
Do you have specific programs and initiatives in place to improve or build employee engagement?
Without a strongly engaged workforce, you're doomed to mediocrity and average performance when compared to your competitors who do have strongly engaged workforces.
When should be the right time to start putting these programs in place?
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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Barry Deutsch
from Leadership Lite
September 28, 2012 7:52 PM
Want to motivate others? Start by learning how to motivate yourself. That’s the message that best-selling author Susan Fowler highlights in a recent article for Ignite! In Fowler’s experience, you ...
My perspective is that companies cannot motivate their workforce. They can create an environment for self-motivation and the reinforcement of self-motivation, which must come from inside you.
How do you motivate yourself and set an example for others?
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
Via Kevin Watson
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Barry Deutsch
September 28, 2012 1:39 AM
ForbesThe #1 Reason Companies Make Bad HiresForbesIt's talent that designs sound business practices, develops strategic plans, understands the value of innovation, overcomes obstacles, breaks down barriers, creates growth, and builds a lasting brand.
The author writes about the problem of lowering standards or expectations as the number one problem in hiring. I'll concede this is an issue. We call it desperation hiring and it's one of the top ten reasons hiring mistakes occur. But the number one issue - not even close!
I'm going to suggest the number one hiring mistake is not defining success or performance at the beginning of the hiring process. It's hard to compromise when you have NOT even defined what your expecations and standards are at the beginning.
Barry Deutsch Partner IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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Barry Deutsch
September 24, 2012 3:11 AM
When sales teams aren't performing as expected, the root cause could be founded in the sales person onboarding program. In this episode of the Sales Management Minute, learn the six common onboarding mistakes and how to avoid them.
Lee Salz does a good job laying out some of the problems in on-boarding. His message was around bringing sales professionals into the fold. However, I think his comments can be applied for a wide range of roles in your organization.
In over 25 years of conducting executive search, I've discovered that the expensive investment made in recruiting can easily and quickly be destroyed by a poor or non-existent on-boarding program.
How strong is your on-boarding program?
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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Barry Deutsch
September 24, 2012 3:03 AM
Much like termination, the hiring process is fraught with legal snares. Here's 5 tips to help employers avoid common mistakes.
Good recommendations to think about regarding hiring. The one I would really focus on is the job definition. Most descriptions are worthless from the perspective of defining the job and expectations. They do a good job listing what a person should possess the day they show up for work - but poorly define job performance, expectations, criteria for measurement, timeframes of expectations, outcomes, deliverables, standards that must be achieved.
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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Barry Deutsch
September 24, 2012 2:53 AM
... Resource Managers in 2008 revealed the top 3 issues facing them during the hiring process are: Not Enough Quality Candidates Advertising Results Are Hit And Miss Technology Hasn't Helped Improve Hiring Productivity ...
Interesting article that reinforces my thoughts that most job broadcasting for technical, professional, and managerial roles is not effective in spite of the claims by job boards.
Most job advertising brings the bottom third of the candidate pool to your doorstep, and no amount of advertising, technology, or praying will make a difference.
Layered on top of the traditional mindset of running an ad when you have an opening is that fact that the job boards are in a state of decline as the importance of social networks finally are allowing candidates to "penetrate" the hidden job market where 80-90 percent of the jobs get filled.
Finally, the traditional process of posting a job description and allowing it to masquerade as a compelling description of work tends to bring the desperate and dysfunctional employees to your doorstep. The better ones are disgusted and turn-off by your posting of a job description.
No wonder most corporate recruiters are under the gun and popping antacids. The methods they've been trained to use based on tribal and traditional paradigms of recruiting are a complete failure - as this survey indicates.
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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Barry Deutsch
from Leading with Distinction
September 23, 2012 7:26 PM
A recent, and much discussed event in the news has started me thinking about the difference between personality and character. There are perhaps some who have spent little time considering if the...
An interesting perspective on the difference. I think many executives and managers get tangled up in their underwear over what they are measuring when it comes to personality and character/values.
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
Via Greg Ferguson
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Barry Deutsch
September 23, 2012 7:19 PM
interesting article on cognitive bias. The author describes 8 different aspects of cognitive bias. Understanding your underlying bias helps to make better hiring decisions.
One of the areas that cause hiring to fail is that we make very emotional and biased decisions in the hiring process. Eliminating these or at least understanding them goes a long way to improving hiring accuracy.
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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Barry Deutsch
from Social Job Search
September 10, 2012 3:07 AM
Today, employee referrals are the most useful way of finding the best candidates for the job. Here is how valuable a referral truly is, courtesy of Jobvite. Very nice infographic and takaways list. It makes sense that the majority of employee referral applicant to hire conversions account for 40% of all hires. People like personal recommendations and referrals.
Via Perrine Crampton
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Barry Deutsch
September 2, 2012 7:15 AM
Discover the most common hiring mistakes and the negative effect on organizations when we hire the wrong people. In this episode, Business Coach Patrick Good...
The negative impact of a hiring mistake is beyond quantification. Yet most executives and managers admit to accepting random and varlable results from the hiring process. Why do you continue to make the same mistakes over and over. Stop reinforcing the definition of insanity!
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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Barry Deutsch
October 11, 2012 10:41 AM
Hiring a candidate under false pretences can have a negative impact on your entire team. Besides nobody wants to be sued for negligent misrepresentation of a position.
I'm not sure the issue is misrepresentation of the job. We've discovered that the real problem is that the wrong criteria for job success is discussed with the job applicant. Usually, hiring managers, human resource professionals, and recruiters perform box-checking of the traditional job description against the candidate's resume.
This is the primary reason hiring fails. The job description is worthless as a tool for managing and predicting future success. The candidate comes aboard, and quickly discovers that 90% of the interview was based on questions regarding compliance with the job description - BUT that's not the job. That's really not even a job description, it's a people description - it has nothing to do with performance, outcomes, results, expecations, metrics, and achieving key standards.
This disconnect between what is discussed in the typical interview through box-checking and the common 20 standard, stupid, inane, canned interview questions AND the actual expectations on the job are dramatic.
It's so bad we actually wrote a second book, titled "This is NOT the Position I Accepted.
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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Barry Deutsch
October 3, 2012 12:11 PM
Business 2 CommunityA Forgotten Step in the Recruiting Process: Managers! Know the Talent You ...Business 2 CommunityFor my blog today, let's focus on how knowing your talent can have specific impact when it comes to hiring.
Do you really have an in-depth understanding of your existing team? Have you put them through all the training, coaching, otj experiences that will increase their capacity and capability.
Are you unnecessarily going to the outside to hire for a particular role?
One reason you sometimes overlook internal candidates is that you don't have a good definition of success for the role you need to hire. Without a pre-existing roadmap of success (outcomes, deliverables, expectations, performance, success, results, metrics, standards), it's hard to determine when to hire, who to hire, where to hire from.
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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Barry Deutsch
October 2, 2012 12:48 PM
51% companies in US hire people with criminal record: SurveyBusiness StandardOther suggestions included being willing to work their way up, staying positive and preparing while in prison (by way of taking classes, getting a degree or vocational...
I don't think the issue is that companies hire people with a criminal record. When you've got the details and understand that the criminal record will not affect performance, that's okay.
The real problem is hiring candidates who have a criminal record, it will affect performance, it will bring negative liability to your company, and you didn't know it because you failed to conduct a simple background check looking for felony convictions.
I am amazed at how many companies still do not invest $75-$100 to conduct a simple criminal background check when hiring. As a small example, I've come across hundreds of examples of embezzlement from someone in the accounting department, and when they were caught, the employee had prior convictions for embezzlement - but it was never caught since a background check was never done.
Don't be a victim when you can simply collect the right information on a background check.
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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Barry Deutsch
from "employee engagement enhancement"
September 28, 2012 7:54 PM
To sustain high employee engagement over time requires intervention to ensure employees have what they need to do good work in an environment that is conducive to doing so.
Another great article on "intervention" to encourage engagement, motivation, satisfaction - all the things Maslow talked about a half century ago are still relevant today.
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
Via Jean-Philippe D'HALLUIN
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Barry Deutsch
from Organisation Development
September 28, 2012 7:49 PM
By David Bator. You can't afford employees that are not engaged. They are less efficient; simply going through the motions rather than working to their full potential. They also have higher absenteeism and turnover rates.
Why do most companies fail to implement, create, establish engagement programs. Why do most executives fall victim to believing that if someone shows up for work that they must enjoy thier job?
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
Via David Hain
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Barry Deutsch
September 25, 2012 1:54 AM
The Secret to Finding and Attracting Top Tech Talent in the Midst of a ShortageHuffington PostTruly, top tech talent wants to do what they do best: solve problems. The bottom line?
The author makes a great point that top talent (forget tech talent - this issue cuts across every functional area) will not respond to a traditional job posting. If that's the case, why do you keep posting the same job descriptions you've always posted - allowing them to masquerade for a compelling description of work?
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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Barry Deutsch
September 24, 2012 3:08 AM
Hiring decisions often focus largely on candidates’ technical skills. This can result in hiring employees who have the cognitive firepower to succeed but lack the social skills required to effectively use what they know.
It's virtually impossible to determine social skills in an interview. I've given our workshop on Hiring titled You're NOT the Person I Hired to over 30,000 CEOs and executives in the last 25 years and not a single person believes that the "persona" exhibited in the interview reflects the real personality of the candidate.
I concur with the author's recommendation to:
"Social skills can also be assessed using standardized questionnaires such as personality tests and social style measures. These tests measure underlying beliefs, preferences and attitudes that affect interpersonal behaviour. Many of these measures are relatively straightforward to use, fairly inexpensive and can be highly valid. It's a good idea to consult with an independent assessment expert when choosing this sort of measure."
On all of my executive search projects, I insist my clients use personality assessment tools to validate real personality and social skills.
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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Barry Deutsch
September 24, 2012 2:56 AM
Go fishing in the correct hiring poolFairbanks Daily News-MinerIdentify the talent you seek from a competitor or complimentary organization. An obvious tactic in business is to identify and hire away the best talent from your competitors.
Good advice to fish in the correct hiring pool. Most companies don't fish in targeted pools - they conduct "spray and pray" job advertising similar to the same approach desperate job search candidates take in their job search.
The failure point is that the types of ads and tactics most companies use to attract candidates brings to the table exactly the wrong candidate.
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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Barry Deutsch
September 24, 2012 2:35 AM
Finding transformational talent when filling an executive position can be extremely difficult. A problem often faced is that top talent is turned off by overly ambitious qualifications and unrelated requirements.
The author talks about job descriptions not attracting top talent. The recommendation is write a better job description.
Stop allowing your job descriptions to masquerade as ads or announcements for your job opportunities. Regardless of how well you write a job description it's still a boring, uncompelling turnoff to most top talented individuals.
Instead, write a Compelling Marketing Statement that captures the passion and excitement of the opportunity for a potential applicant. We've seen thousands of companies around the world improve the quality of candidates they get through this simple step.
You can learn more about writing Compelling Marketing Statements on our website under step 2 of our Success Factor Methodology for improving hiring success at
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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Barry Deutsch
September 23, 2012 7:23 PM
Your corporate storytelling and employer branding strategy is not something that can be perfected overnight, but it is a critical piece of your recruitment marketing strategy and worth your time to improve upon.
So true! Yes, corporate storytelling is an iterative process.
Yet what I really like about this article is its focus on linking company story sharing and story strategy to the recruiting process. Want to attract top talent? Then you had better be telling your stories well -- not only to attract talent, but as part of the interview process, too.
But really, this article applies to all businesses of any size. If you are an entrepreneur or small business or nonprofit, you want to work with top vendors and contractors. Craft fabulous (authentic) stories, attract the best people to work with you, and excel in what you do.
Read the suggestions in this article for ways to go about this.
Assuming the basis of social media is telling stories that engage and help people to visualize what's in it for them, why do most employers do a horrific job communicating stories to potential applicants about the value of working in their company?
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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Barry Deutsch
September 20, 2012 2:16 AM
Learn about the most common hiring mistakes and errors and discover the simple steps to avoid making these hiring mistakes in the future.
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Barry Deutsch
September 2, 2012 11:30 AM
Unfortunately most executives are unaware of the impact hiring mistakes have on their bottom line. Most hiring managers believe hiring is an exercise in amateur psychology and they rely on past experience and their intuition, ...
The author recommends using "scientific" assessments to determine whether to hire a candidate and paints the metaphor of using an independent auto mechanic to validate the working condition of the car right at the time of purchase.
This is why the metaphor is broken. Doing assessments on skills and personality does not predict future performance. It can assess the precise level of the knowledge or skill at the time of the interview, but it cannot determine how the candidate will apply those skills and knowledge in your unique role in your unique environment.
I do believe skill and personality testing can play a role in validating what you heard from the interview. However, nothing should take the place of a well thought-out performance/success based interview process.
Too many companies have made the mistake of being overly dependent on testing.
Barry Deutsch IMPACT Hiring Solutions