Hire Top Talent
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Curated by Barry Deutsch
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 17, 2013 6:17 PM

Your Hiring Process Might Be Broken

Your Hiring Process Might Be Broken | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
The Real Questions You Should Ask
Santa Clarita Valley Signal
There is an intriguing book entitled "You're Not the Person I Hired." Janet Boydell, Barry Deutsch, and Brad Remillard have written a book specifically about how to avoid hiring mistakes.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Thanks for the mention of our book, You're NOT the Person I Hired, in your article.

We've worked with over 35,000 CEOs and Senior Executives of entrepreneurial, small business, and emerging growth companies over the past 15 years.

One thing we've seen that is common is that one of the greatest mistakes made by CEOs and Senior Executives is around hiring people for their team, and allowing managers and supervisors within their organization to keep making the same hiring mistakes over and over again.

Fixing common hiring mistakes is actually very simple - it just requires a strong discipline around a process, not unlike any other process in your business. It needs to start with the CEO making a commitment to better hiring practices.

Our book details the simple steps to build a rigorous hiring process. One of those key steps is asking better questions as you discuss in your article.

Thanks again for bringing our book to the attention of your readers.

Thanks for the mention of our book, You're NOT the Person I Hired, in your article.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 17, 2013 12:11 AM

Can You Attract Great Talent Through LinkedIn?

Can You Attract Great Talent Through LinkedIn? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Small businesses often tell us talent is their most valuable asset.  With a lean, efficient team, every person is critical to success.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Most companies are unwilling to invest the time to leverage the powerful tools LinkedIn provides to connect and engage with passive candidates - and then leverage those relationships for referrals. LinkedIn provides a platform to drive referrals through vendors, customers, suppliers, and employees. I'm shocked at how many companies don't use this tool to identify talent - instead relying on the usually ineffective tool of posting job descriptions on job boards.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 13, 2013 10:39 PM

Are Job Boards Effective?

Are Job Boards Effective? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Ask The Headhunter: Is LinkedIn Cheating Employers and Job Seekers Alike?
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Nick Corcodilos blasts the job boards for double-dipping in charging both employers and candidates, especially LinkedIn.

My perspective is that the job boards should be able to charge candidates and employers whatever the market bears - that's the great part of a free market system.

The real issue is not whether the pricing schemes are fair or ethical. The real issue is whether the job boards are an effective source of candidates.

My experiece matches with the studies done that job boards typcially account for 1-2% of hires. LinkedIn is no different than Careerbuilder or Monster in the quality of candidates. In fact, the same active candidates respond on all three sites.

As a retained recruiter, I find LinkedIn is an effective tool to "identify" quickly who the potential candidate pool is for a search. LinkedIn messaging to passive candidates also has a much higher response rate than traditional cold calling.

Keep in mind - posting ads and networking through a tool like LinkedIn are just two tools in your quiver of tactics to find great candidates. As an employer, you should never rely on just one or two tools.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 12, 2013 9:41 PM

How NOT to attract the bottom third of the candidate pool.

How NOT to attract the bottom third of the candidate pool. | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
As the job market gets more and more competitive, it can be difficult to attract and maintain communication with top-of-the-line candidates
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Excellent ideas from Afton Funk writing on the HRM Talent Blog about attracting top candidates.

Our experience over the last 30 years matches one of the key points that Afton mentions:

"Write unique and interesting job descriptions--everyone has read listings that have a five-bullet profile of what a candidate should be; by making yours something different you will attract candidates that also think differently."

Be compelling and outrageous. Shock potential applicants into reading about your opportunity. DON'T use job descriptions to masquerade as ads. Job descriptions are compliance and regulatory documents, not compelling marketing ads to attract the best talent.

For some specific examples of how to write a Compelling Marketing Statement, download a few from our website at http://www.impacthiringsolutions.com under the free resources section.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 12, 2013 2:46 PM

What's the Most Important Trait of Success as a Manager or Executive?

What's the Most Important Trait of Success as a Manager or Executive? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
7 Habits of Highly Successful Women in the Future of Work
Huffington Post
Well, online hiring is no place for bad managers. If you are a bad manager, you should skip it.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Jaleh does a great job identifying some key elements of highly successful women in the workplace. She mentions one idea that stands head and shoulders above all the others:

"Write down crisp, performance-based objectives with clear, written deadlines"

This key element of success is the MOST important issue for hiring and retaining top talent. The vast majority of managers and executives do NOT do it. As a result, hiring fails over 50% of the time and your best talent disengages in the workplace.

Learning how to define success is one of the most important skills a manager or executive can develop - regardless of gender.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 11, 2013 11:22 PM

Can You Find the Best Talent By Posting Boring, Mundane, Tired Old Job Descriptions?

Can You Find the Best Talent By Posting Boring, Mundane, Tired Old Job Descriptions? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Alexander Portnoy, a Vistage Chair in Minneapolis, posted a blog article comparing Sir Ernest Shackleton's attempt to recruit for his Antartic Expedition with today's common approach to job advertising.

You are right on target with your example of Shackleton from 1914 about attracting candidates through an inspiring advertisement.

As you might be aware one of the key elements of our hiring methodology, the Success Factor Methodology, described in depth in our popular Vistage/TEC presentation, You're NOT the Person I Hired, is that you've got to fish in deep waters for the best talent.

Posting a traditional job description is a worthless activity that brings to your doorstep the bottom third of the candidate pool. If all you're seeing is the bottom third, you're doomed to fail before you've even started the process.

We recommend using at the core of your deep fishing a COMPELLING MARKETING STATEMENT, exactly what you refer to in Shackleton's advertisement. A statement of work that inspires the very best to put their hands up and want to learn more.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 2, 2013 1:49 PM

Are Long-term unemployed candidates damaged goods?

Are Long-term unemployed candidates damaged goods? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Don't let a work gap cause you to miss a good candidate.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Peter Cappelli makes a convincing case for what hiring managers should do in terms of considering long-term unemployed candidates. He frames it with the need to demonstrate social responsibility.

I've been conducting executive search for almost 30 years. In that time I've worked on over 1,000 executive searches, and between my parrtners and myself, probably interviewed over 250,000 managerial and executive candidates.

The hiring manager perspective on long-term unemployed candidates has not changed much in those 30 years. Most hiring managers have a prejuidice against unemployed candidates - considering them "damaged goods". The unstated thinking is that if they were any good, they wouldn't be long-term unemployed - in fact, they wouldn't be unemployed ever.

Perhaps this thinking is misguided and inappropriate. That's not the issue. The real issue is that the perspective on long-term unemployed candidates is a tribal hiring element. For example, I learned to be biased from my boss, who learned a generation ago to be biased from their boss.

Until we break this tribal hiring paradigm of employed/unemployed candidates, NOTHING will change. One way to break the paradigm is to train hiring managers to be more objective and rational in their decision making process. Until training, coaching, guidance lowers, eliminates, or changes our long-term bias against unemployed candidates, there is no hope that the perspective will evolve through the next recession or the next 10 recessions.

What is your organization doing right now to help hiring managers learn how to assess, interview, and measure candidates from a rational and objective approach to overcome the bias of unemployed vs. employed?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
July 31, 2013 1:09 AM

Not Considering Adaptability Can Lead to Failure in Hiring

Not Considering Adaptability Can Lead to Failure in Hiring | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Study finds hiring managers often make poor choices because they systematically rely strictly on generic performance measures rather than considering situational context.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

The study mentioned in the article calls the hiring error a lack of considering situational context. We call it adaptability in our hiring framework - The Success Factor Methodology.

Regardless of what you call it - one of the key mistakes in hiring is not considering how a candidate's accomplishments were achieved in their unique environment and culture - and how that might compare to your environment and culture.

Can you potential candidate REPLICATE/REPRODUCE their accomplishments and achievements in your unique environment and culture. This key element is one of 5 core interview questions we recommend as part of our 5 question success-based interview approach.

Not accurately comparing the environment someone achieved their past results in - to your environment can lead to bad hiring mistakes.

Most hiring managers assume that the results are transferrable from one company to the next (FALSE)

Most hiring managers have a strong understanding of their current environment and culture (FALSE)

Most hiring managers have been well trained in measuring situational context (adaptability) and know what questions to ask in the interview (FALSE)

Is it any wonder why over 50% of hiring decisions result in the failure of candidates to achieve desired results?

What can you do to eliminate this common cause of hiring mistakes and errors?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
July 31, 2013 12:17 AM

Is Twitter still an ineffective tool for recruiting?

Is Twitter still an ineffective tool for recruiting? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Lauren Simonelli writes about using Twitter to accomplish your hiring initiatives, including how to write the perfect job tweet.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Although I make extensive use of twitter as a broadcasting tool for recruiting - my perception is that it's still close to useless in reaching your intended target for most companies.

For Twitter to be very effective you would need a large database of very targeted candidates that fit the profile for the type of employees you want to recruit.

I have a large Twitter following. Unfortunately, since each of the 8-10 searches I conduct on a continuous basis are all over the map, it is not usually effective since I don't have a concentrated group - such as e-Commerce Directors. If you're a recruiter in a very narrow niche, such as Marketing Directors for SaaS companies, it might be a useful tool.

I do believe that there is a small percentage of candidates who come across my path due to my broadcasting efforts - which take my twitter postings about job opportunities and repost them automatically every few days - and automatically post those through my extensive LinkedIn Network via my status updates. Maybe I generate 5-10 percent of my referrals through this twitter strategy.

It's another tool in the toolshed of social recruiting - a minor one - but which could build in importance over the next few years.

Do you use twitter for announcing job opportunities to your network?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
July 20, 2013 5:27 PM

Recovering from a Hiring Mistake

Recovering from a Hiring Mistake | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Like it or not, you’re eventually going to make a bad hire. Even if you do everything right in the hiring process, you'll find that it still doesn't work out about a third of the time. So
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Most executives are NOT going to let a new hire go quickly. Instead they'll play a game called "Let's give it another 30 days". Unfortunately, it's usually 2 years later and you're still playing the "Let's give it another 30 days" game.

How do you know if you made a mistake?

Assuming the person is not a complete deadbeat, toxic, or dysfunctional individual - how do you know their performance is not going to be at the level you need - especially in roles where 60-90 days is the minimum period to truly test and evaluate senior professionals and executives?

I'm going to suggest a documented set of expectations (we call these Success Factors) help guide you month by month in performance management to determine if the person you hired can deliver on your expected results. The real question becomes: How many months will you let slip by when someone is NOT achieving your desired outcomes?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 20, 2013 3:55 PM

Asking Superficial, Inane, Canned Interview Questions is a quick route to failure

Asking Superficial, Inane, Canned Interview Questions is a quick route to failure | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
You might roll your eyes at the "five years" question, but asking it can be more important than you realize. Read on to learn why.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I cringe everytime I hear the phrase "oldie but goodie". I want to smack something everytime someone tells me they use the old-school, tribal, supid, inane, canned interview questions like:

Tell me about yourself

What are weaknesses?

We like people who like teams. How do you feel about teams?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Who cares what happens in 5 years. Crystal ball gazing starts to set at the 3 year point - 5 years is just plain silly.

Most employees, particularly younger ones don't have any clue what they are capable of achieving. The first key is to figure out can you deliver the outcomes we need in the next 12 months. For most hiring managers, this is a near impossible task, let alone worrying about alignment and fit 5 years from now.

If you want to raise hiring accuracy, start focusing your interview like it's the job, instead of asking a series of traditional, standard, canned, inane, stupid, common interview questions. You'll learn more about the person in gaining a few examples of how what they've done correlates to what you need done - without asking 15-20-25 canned interview questions.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 20, 2013 3:35 PM

Can you overcome your fear of hiring the best employee?

Can you overcome your fear of hiring the best employee? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
In theory, every job search is a search for the best possible candidate. In practice, thousands of job applicants get knocked back each year on the grounds they’re “overqualified”.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I was just having this conversation with a CEO at one of my presentions to a Vistage CEO Group the other day.

The question posed was:

"What do I do about the managers and executives in our organization that are fearful of hiring great talent that might outshine them?"

My response back was:

"If you have average and mediocre hiring managers who are afraid to hire the best talent possible, and continually underhire to maintain their control and security - then you're doomed to build an average and mediocre organization over time. The quality of your team dictates your organizational glass ceiling. If you have hiring managers who are the bottlenecks and obstacles, either coach them up or get rid of them."

Here"s what the author of the blog article said:

In theory, every job search is a search for the best possible candidate. In practice, thousands of job applicants get knocked back each year on the grounds they’re “overqualified”.


In the back of the mind of many a control freak bureaucrat lurks a deep fear.


A fear that they might, by accident or omission, accidentally hire someone who is smarter or more skilled than themselves.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 16, 2013 8:39 PM

Just How Bad Are Interviews?

Just How Bad Are Interviews? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
I needed to hire a new salesperson, and one resume stood out like a sore thumb. The applicant, Ari, was a maths major and built robots in his spare ti...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

In his latest blog article, Adam Grant seems to suggest that we should abandon interviews due to the inherent problems and bias that occurs and causes hiring failure and errors. He recommends using selection tests instead of interviews as the primary evaluation tool.

In my 30 years of executive search in working with 1000s of companies and at least 20 times that number on hiring process improvemennt - I have NEVER seen a personality profile predict future performance or success.

These are great tools to wrap around an interview to validate what you heard or saw. They fall into the same category as reference checks, background checks, skill testing, role-plays, and homework assignments. As Bush called it, "other points of light."

Perhaps, a better approach than the "let's throw the baby out with the bathwater", is to improve the process of interviewing. My recommendation is that we start with training hiring managers and executives to conduct effective interviews rather than allowing interviewing to be a random and arbitrary event based on how each hiring manager does it in your company?

What's your specific plan to improve hiring accuracy and success in your company?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 17, 2013 12:34 AM

Why doesn't your recruiting team go after passive candidates?

Why doesn't your recruiting team go after passive candidates? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Talent acquisition professionals talk a lot about culture – when they are telling candidates about their company’s values, dreaming up the next big employer branding campaign, or showing candidates the ping pong table on the way to the...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I'm not sure I would agree with Mckenzie that recruiting teams need a "culture makeover". I think most recruiters and recruiting teams would love to pursue passive job candidates instead of relying on the bottom third of the candidate pool that is generated by posting job descriptions and allowing those to masquerade as job ads.

I perceive the real problem to be one of time management. Posting ads on job boards, although usually ineffective, is a very low time consuming activity. Maybe 15 minutes to post the advertisement, 30 minutes to quickly review resumes, and perhaps a couple of hours conducting phone interviews to select who should come in for an interview.

Attracting passive candidates is a high time consuming activity. LinkedIn has changed one element of going after passive candidates - the initial identification and engagement. Unfortunately, the time required to connect with each of these individuals, track them, getting them to respond, pitching them on your job, conducting an assessment, pitching them again (remember - there passive not active), requires many hours of work.

Let's work the numbers using LinkedIn.

Creating a search and sending inmails/group messages. 20 messages an hour (send the standard message, tag them, and update your notes, and set a reminder to follow-up). Over the course of recruiting for a passive candidate, you'll probably send out a minimum of 100 messages - 5 hours of work.

90% of the candidates will respond - this requires followi-up messaging, a return message, and coordination of a time to speak on the phone - another 5 hours.

Average phone interview time is 20 minutes per discussion (since you're also trying to obtain referrals even if the person is not interested or unqualified (90 times 20 minutes = 1800 minutes or 30 hours of additional work.

We're now at roughly 40 hours of work  - and that's if everything goes perfectly. You know this doesn't happen - so you're really looking at 60 plus hours to recruit 1 passive candidate.

There is nothing that will short circuit this process or reduce the time. Recruiting passive candidates past the initial identification stage (which LinkedIn has dramatically improved upon) is no different today than it was 30 years ago when I started doing executive search.

Is it any wonder why most companies do not attempt to recruit passive candidates, and continue to rely on job boards to source active candidates. As I indicated earlier - this is not a recruiting department culture issue - it's an issue for the company in terms of allocating resources.

Is it worth 60 hours of a recruiter's time to fill one job? Obviously, as you get to the higher levels of the food chain, you can begin to justify this investment of time. However, would you do it for an engineer, a systems analyst, or a human resources manager position?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 15, 2013 7:05 PM

Posting Job Descriptions which Masquerade as Job Ads is INEFFECTIVE!

Posting Job Descriptions which Masquerade as Job Ads is INEFFECTIVE! | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
My friends send me job ads. They like to see me go apoplectic, the way you'd bait your crotchety Uncle Joe by announcing at a family gathering that you're thinking about going vegan. My friends want
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Liz Ryan wrote an excellent article on how job ads turn off and drive top talent.

Her article gets at one of the core elements of our hiring process: You must compel top talent to raise their hands to learn more about your opportunity. The tribal and traditional approach of posting a job description on a job board is revolting, disgusting, and a complete turn off to top talent.

The best candidates you would like to attract couldn't give a darn what you want as an employer. They want to know WIIFM: what will I learn in this role, what impact will I have, and what will I become for having been in that role.

When you can't answer those questions, the best talent take their hands and put them down. You end up seeing the bottom third of the candidate pool - and when all you get is the bottom third, you're doomed to fail before you even start the hiring process.

A better approach is to throw the job description in the trash can and write a COMPELLING MARKETING STATEMENT using classic copy-writing and marketing tactics. Remember that this statement is not the regulatory and compliance-oriented internal job description, it's an advertisement. Classified job advertising is no different from any form of advertising.

Let's STOP disgusting candidates right now by ending the practice of posting job descriptions and letting them masquerade as advertisements.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 12, 2013 9:54 PM

Do the recommendations from most HR and Hiring Process Consultants Help You to Hire Better?

Do the recommendations from most HR and Hiring Process Consultants Help You to Hire Better? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Companies can improve hiring practices by focusing on detailed job listings, drawing in top candidates, and committing to a streamlined approach.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

My perception is that most advice and recommendations to improve hiring come from "within the box": tried and true ways that are tribal and traditional stemming all the way back to Henry Ford in the early 1900s.

If you want to streamline, speed up, get better talent, you've got to think outside the box.

Instead of posting job descriptions on job boards, write compelling marketing statements.

Instead of passively waiting for candidates to fall into your lap off job boards, go to where your candidates hang out and affliate with each other. Proactively seek them out.

Rather than conducting the traditional interview of asking the 20 standard, stupid, inane, canned interview questions - base the interview around the performance expectations and results desired.

Using the centuries old approaches in finding, assessing, and selecting candidates will not get you the very best - instead it will help you hire the average, mediocre, and minimally qualified.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 12, 2013 3:44 PM

Does the Difficulty of the Interview Ensure a Better Hire?

Does the Difficulty of the Interview Ensure a Better Hire? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Here are the 25 companies that give the toughest job interviews, according to candidates who reviewed the interview process on Glassdoor.com.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

In a study by Glassdoor on which companies have the most difficult interviews, buried in the article was the following comment:

"If an employer has a clear, well defined interview process that seeks to set expectations about what the job involves, as well as looks to get to know the candidate, where their interests lie and how they can help move the company forward, it’s a natural correlation to see higher employee satisfaction rates given that candidates will have a clearer idea as to what the job entails and where the company is headed."

The problem is that most companies DON'T have a well defined interview process, DON'T set expectations, and CAN'T paint a vision of where they are going and how this person will help.

The result is that over 50% of all hiring fails - the candidate either realizes the job is not what the interviewed for OR the hiring manager realizes YOU'RE NOT THE PERSON I HIRED.

A tough interview is not "bright lights and rubber hoses". Rather it's a rigorous process of case studies, role plays, deep probing that simulates what it will be like to work in that particular role. Most companies refuse to invest enough time in the interview process to validate, verify, and vet a candidate's ability to deliver the outcomes required for success.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 12, 2013 2:27 PM

Can You Interview for People Who Will Challenge YOU?

Can You Interview for People Who Will Challenge YOU? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
The Stanford GSB lecturer and chairman of JetBlue airlines explains how to bring the best people on board.  (Joel Peterson: What Are the Most Common Hiring Mistakes?
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Joel talks about the need to hire individuals on your team who don't think and process information like you do. I call this the ability to perform in a environment of constructive tension or conflict. How do you interview for the ability to adapt to this type of culture. Here are my comments to Joel's post on LinkedIn.

Joel - on target with this idea of hiring managers hiring in their own image - you are spot on that the vast majority of hires are made due to likeability and rapport (similar backgrounds, style, and interests). I agree with you that to be successful you must surround yourself with a team willing to challenge your ideas as the CEO. Unfortunately, most interviewers have no idea how to test for this constructive tension or conflict in an interview setting. Not having been trained effectively in interview techniques to get at this issue results in hiring people whom we fall in love with during the interview - and the danger of building a team of "yes" people.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
August 2, 2013 2:09 PM

If You're First to Present a Job Offer, does that ensure you'll snag the candidate?

If You're First to Present a Job Offer, does that ensure you'll snag the candidate? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Canton, Ohio (PRWEB) August 02, 2013 -- According to a recent recruiter survey conducted by Top Echelon Network, an elite recruiter network of highly specialized search firms, the number-one reason candidates turn down an offer of employment from...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I'll take a 180 degree different perspective on this blog post by Matt Deutsch - which is tough since we share a common last name.

Maybe desperate candidates who are long-term unemployed jump at the first job offer due to desperation. In 30 years of executive search, over 1000 search assignments, and interviews with over 250,000 candidates, I have NEVER believed that good candidates take jobs based on the order in which they are presented.

For most candidates, particularly top talent, the sequence of job offers - first, middle, or last - has nothing to do with the acceptance rate.

The real issues of whether good candidates take jobs is not different today than it was over half a century ago when Maslow published the "Hierarchy of Needs". Top caliber candidates take jobs based on principles of self-actualization.

In our hiring methodology, we call this the LIB curve - what am I going to learn in this job, what impact will I have, and what will I become for having been in this job for a period of time. When hiring managers fail to address these specific issues, candidates decline or ignore their job offers.

Since most hiring managers and HR professionals do a TERRIBLE job of discussing the LIB factors in an interview, they typically struggle to hire the best talent. It's the same issue for compensation, most top caliber candidates will sacrifice some portion of compensation if they feel the learning, impact, and becoming will put them on a steeper curve of success.

Recruiters don't lose deals because their clients can't move fast enough - which is the underlying message in this post by a recruiter network. Recruiters lose deals because they don't know how to help their clients convey the value of a job offer beyond compensation. They lose their candidates to competitors who do a much better job of showing candidates the learning, impact, and becoming elements of a new job.

Peter Cappelli makes a convincing case for what hiring managers should do in terms of considering long-term unemployed candidates. He frames it with the need to demonstrate social responsibility.

I've been conducting executive search for almost 30 years. In that time I've worked on over 1,000 executive searches, and between my parrtners and myself, probably interviewed over 250,000 managerial and executive candidates.

The hiring manager perspective on long-term unemployed candidates has not changed much in those 30 years. Most hiring managers have a prejuidice against unemployed candidates - considering them "damaged goods". The unstated thinking is that if they were any good, they wouldn't be long-term unemployed - in fact, they wouldn't be unemployed ever.

Perhaps this thinking is misguided and inappropriate. That's not the issue. The real issue is that the perspective on long-term unemployed candidates is a tribal hiring element. For example, I learned to be biased from my boss, who learned a generation ago to be biased from their boss.

Until we break this tribal hiring paradigm of employed/unemployed candidates, NOTHING will change. One way to break the paradigm is to train hiring managers to be more objective and rational in their decision making process. Until training, coaching, guidance lowers, eliminates, or changes our long-term bias against unemployed candidates, there is no hope that the perspective will evolve through the next recession or the next 10 recessions.

What is your organization doing right now to help hiring managers learn how to assess, interview, and measure candidates from a rational and objective approach to overcome the bias of unemployed vs. employed?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
July 31, 2013 1:49 AM

Do You Have Sacred Cows in Your Recruiting Process?

Do You Have Sacred Cows in Your Recruiting Process? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Most companies hiring processes are silly at best. Most people asking interview questions have had very little training, don't understand how to predict future performance, can't define performance expectations, use the 20 standard-inane-stupid-canned interview questions, and base most of their hiring decisions on rapport and perceived chemistry.

You then lament the fact that your hiring accuracy of hiring people who can deliver your desired results is less than 1/3. How can you run a business with that level of random variability? You will not permit it in any other business process - why are you willing to accept below average results when it comes to hiring people - as your mission statement claims - your most important asset?

John Sullivan in his blog article suggests we might consider killing a few sacred cows in the recruiting arena? Are you up to this challenge? When should you improve your hiring process to get better results?

Should it be when you have to hire 2 more employees or 20? Should it be when you want to build your business by $30k per month, or $7 million over the next few years?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
July 31, 2013 12:46 AM

Hiring Success and Generation Y

Hiring Success and Generation Y | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
It doesn't require a radical makeover of our beliefs, values and organizational structures to prepare Gen Y for leadership. They view the world differently, but so did we at the beginning of our careers.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I love the increasing volume and debate the issues of Generation Y replacing the Baby Boomers/Gen X is creating among those thinking strategically about hiring talent.

As Baby Boomers retire and move out of key management roles, Gen X moves up into those roles, and Gen Y begins to replace many middle and senior managers - what are the issues, mistakes, and errors in hiring that you never had to contend with in the past?

Are you prepared to hire people in the future who think and process information differently, and have different approaches to work/life balance, loyalty, and patience in career/impact trajectory?

How are your plans, tactics, and strategies evolving to manage this fundamental demographic shift of your workplace? Are will you be waiting on the sideline to see what your competitors do first?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
July 21, 2013 5:49 PM

Why Are Sales Positions So HARD to Fill?

Why Are Sales Positions So HARD to Fill? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
The American salesman isn't dead, but he is getting harder to find. As the economy picks up, employers across the country are facing a shortage of qualified sales associates and managers.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

The key reason sales positions are hard to fill is that the methods most companies use to bring top-notch sales talent to their doorstep bring the BOTTOM ONE-THIRD of the candidate pool.

If all you are seeing is the bottom one-third, then you're doomed to fail before you've even begun the selection and interviewing process.

Passive techniques like "light networking", job fairs, and posting job descriptions. If you want to attract top talent sales professionals, you've got to go where they hang out. You've got to use techniques to attract candidates who are NOT aggressively and desperately seeking a new job.

What type of tactics does your company use to attract top talent? Does this explain your frustration over having to lower your standards and accept candidates less than capable of achieving your desired outcomes?

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 20, 2013 4:07 PM

Do Your Employees have a "CLUE" as to what is expected of them?

Do Your Employees have a "CLUE" as to what is expected of them? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Although this article focused on lead generation for a sales team, Kevin made a comment that caused me to perk up and take notice of his blog article he said:

"Does your sales team have a clue about what’s expected of them?  Clear understanding and direction can make the difference in how well your sales team is performing"

I'll content that in most cases your employees, especially your sales reps, have no clue what you actually expect of them beyond a final quota number at the end of the quarter or year.

Not defining expectations clearly, specifically, and on a time-based approach is the number ONE reason hiring and retention (employee engagement, satisfaction, and motivation) fails.

Don't take my word for it, read the book in which the research was done - First Break All The Rules.

If you don't define your expectations on performance at a very detailed and specific level, your hiring accuracy will NEVER be more than a 50/50 level of success, and your ability to keep great performers will steadily decline over time.

Are you going to accept mediocrity OR do something about it by starting to define expectations and performance.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 20, 2013 3:47 PM

What is the PERFECT Employee?

What is the PERFECT Employee? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Too often hiring managers spend months attempting to find the perfect employee, which is next to impossible. Instead, they should be focusing on finding people
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I'm not sure I buy into the idea that roles go unfilled due to hiring managers seeking the perfect employee.

In our 30 plus years of executive recruiting and hiring consulting, we've seen a couple of key issues preventing hiring managers from being able to fill critical roles with top talent.

First, most hiring managers and executives have not defined what they want from that role. This has nothing to do with the traditional job description, which is a worthless tool for predicting and managing performance. What is the real job - what do you need this person to deliver, accomplish, achieve, change, impact? Once you've developed this list of results required, the next step is to define which ones are game-breakers that you cannot afford to ignore, minimize, or risk not accomplishing.

If you don't know exactly what constitutes great performance in your open role, you're doomed to fail at the hiring process.

The second constrait, bottleneck, obstable, hiring mistake that leaves jobs open for a very long time is a lack of fishing in deep waters. Posting ads in various places by using the common approach of sharing the entire or partial job description brings the bottom third of the candidate pool to your doorstep.

If all you are seeing is the bottom third, you're doomed to fail at the hiring process.

Instead of thinking about lowering your standards, how about first defining what you really need to the person to deliver in the role, and then targeting the proper fishing holes and going deep after the best candidates in those areas. Even though I make my living doing executive search, most companies can do this on their own.

Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
June 18, 2013 10:44 PM

Are You Failing in Hiring Top Talent?

Are You Failing in Hiring Top Talent? | Hire Top Talent | Scoop.it
Rasmus Ankersen, founder of RFA Performance & Research and author of 'The Gold Mine Effect', honed his eye for great talent by traveling the world and talking to some of the best athletes and coaches.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I have to respectfully disagree with the author of this article on his premise that talent can't be identified through traditional techniques such as past performance.

Even in the athletic world, past performance is one of the most important elements of hiring at the coaching, administrative, and player levels.

In companies, not focusing on past performance is one of the major reasons hiring fails. Numerous hiring mistakes occur which have nothing to do with the issue of whether past performance is a good predictor of future success. Bias, emotions, bad interview questions, poor sourcing, and first impressions are just a few of the problems in hiring mistakes and errors.

Using behavioral interviewing techniques to get examples of how a candidate's past performance matches up to your expectations of performance is one of the most accurate methods of hiring. I agree with the author that we should also look at character traits and values - but not until we've determined if someone has the capability to deliver on your expectations, outcomes, deliverables, results desired.

I do love the quote he shares:

"When I think of the challenges involved in finding the right talent, I think about what Capital One CEO Richard Fairback once said: “At most companies, people spend two percent of their time recruiting and 75 percent managing their recruiting mistakes.” In my experience, the world’s best talent spotters have the courage to focus on people’s underlying character traits and motivations, rather than getting hung up on classic measures of ability."

The question I have is: Why do companies perform this dysfunctional dance of giving lip service to the idea that our employees are our most important asset - but their actions around hiring, coaching, and retention are the OPPOSITE?


Barry Deutsch

IMPACT Hiring Solutions HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent



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